The 2019 Workshop on Molecular Cloud and Star Formation was Successfully Held
From 10-15 July 2019, the 2019 Workshop on Molecular Cloud and Star Formation was held in Altay, Xinjiang. Chaired by Jarken Esimbek, deputy director of Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory (XAO), the workshop attracted more than 120 experts, scholars and postgraduates from over 14 institutes and universities.
In the welcome speech, Xin Li, sub-commissioner of administrative office in Altay region, introduced the unqiue observation conditions and environment at Altay, and the astronomical activities that have been carried out by Altay No.2 senior high school. He stated that the government is greatly supportive on the construction of astronomical facilities and organization of outreach education activities. He hope that the experts and scholars from China and overseas would provide even more opportunities and supports to the development of astronomy in the Altay region.
During the workshop, research fellow Di Li, from National Astronomical Observatories, CAS, research fellow Yu Gao, from Purple Mountain Observatory, CAS, Professor Yuqing Lou, from Tsinghua University, professor Yong Shi and professor Keping Qiu, from Nanjing University, and research fellow Jarken Esimbek, from XAO, delivered speeches, respectively, as invited speakers. Sixty-two scientific talks were presented in the workshop, and they enhanced the collaboration and communication between the scholars. The main topics of the workshop included key issues related to molecular clouds and star formation (structural, physical, chemical and dynamic properties), molecular clouds and structure of the Milky Way, molecular clouds and feedbacks of massive star formation (supernova remnants, HII regions, stellar wind bubbles, etc. ), molecular clouds and evolution of late-type stars, star formation in galaxies, radio astronomical instruments and projects of large sky survey.
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