The 12th Zhang Heng Academic Workshop was successfully held in Urumqi
From 15-17 July 2019, the 12th Zhang Heng Academic Workshop was held in Urumqi. The workshop was hosted by the Star committee of Chinese Astronomical Society, Xinjiang Astronomical Observatory, Chinese Academy of Sciences (XAO) and Xinjiang University, and chaired by Wang Xiaofeng, president of the Star committee of Chinese Astronomical Society and a professor in the Physics department at Tsinghua University. More than 110 participants from over 23 institutes and universities attended the meeting.
In the welcome speech, Dr. Na Wang, director of XAO, introduced the history of XAO and the current status of the observation sites, and presented the construction of the STeerable 110-m Aperture Radio Telescope and Muztaghata site testing. She stated that XAO would develop high level research platform for the future research, and, as a member of silk road related country, XAO would bring the advantages of the ‘Belt and Road’ into full play to serve the development of astronomy in China. Liu Qiang, head of the Mathematical Science section of National Nature Science Foundation of China, stated that the National Nature Science Foundation has provided significant opportunities for astronomical research through several reforms and plannings. In addition, he wished the astronomical institutes in the eastern and western regions of China could join their efforts to promote rapid and balanced development for astronomy in China in support for the “14th Five Year Plan” of Chinese astronomical disciplines and for the mid- and long-term development plans.
During the workshop, Academician Han Zhanwen, from YunNan Astronomical Observatory, Research fellow Wang Lifan, from Purple Mountain Astronomical Observatory, and Research fellow Jarken Esimbek, from XAO, delivered speeches, respectively, as invited speakers. Forty-two scientific talks from seven main topics were presented in the workshop, which included star formation and evolution, stellar activity, white dwarf stars and SN Ia progenitor stars, compact celestial binary stars, observation and theory of observation and theory of transient sources, Lamost survey and related sciences, clusters and galaxy structure. Together, they explored issues on the star formation and evolution, Galactic structure, compact objects and other related scientific issues, which promoted the exchange and communication of experts and scholars in related fields.
During the period of the Workshop, the experts and scholars visited the Nanshan site to inspect the operation status of observation equipment.
Group photo
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